Requesting Inventory in vTrakr
When the rep needs inventory for a case, they submit an inventory request to the manufacturer for fulfillment using their app. They may submit a request at any time, but they can trigger the inventory request from the Event detail screen of a scheduled case, which will create a link between that case and that request.
There are numerous locations to initiate an inventory request in vTrakr. Go to one of these locations and click “Request Inventory” or “Request Replenishment”
The Event Detail screen
The Movement → Requests section of the console
When submitting an Event for Billing (Replenishment Request)
Select the Manufacturer you are requesting inventory from.
If applicable, select an Inventory Request Recipe. To learn more about Request Recipes, check out this article. Then click Next.
Next select the inventory you would like to request. Search and filter your inventory using the filters at the top of the screen. If this is a replenishment request, the inventory from the Event will already be populated for you.
Switch to the Complete Sets filter to select containers. Just select the appropriate product line and, if applicable, choose Instruments or Implants.
Make any modifications to the quantities you are requesting, then Click Next
Review your request and enter the remaining information:
the Need By Date
Shipping Address
Request Notes
Then click “Create”
Currently, when selecting a complete set, you select based on Product Line. We understand that some trays from a product line may have different designations or purposes and that you’d like to request a specific tray from a product line. Consider creating specific product lines if you need to be more specific about which container from a set you are needing to request.
You can also coach your users to use Notes in the inventory request, signifying the type of tray they need.
Related articles
How to Review Your Inventory Levels in vTrakr (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Manage Your Event Schedule in vTrakr (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Transfer Inventory Directly into a Container (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Viewing the Transfer and Inventory Request History in vTrakr (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Requesting Replenishment (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Requesting Inventory in vTrakr (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Recording Sales from a Case (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Closing the Case and Sharing the Sales Order (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Receiving a Transfer (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Scheduling Cases and Other Event Types ( a.k.a. How to create an Event) (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Add/Remove Items from a Container in the Console (ConnectSx Customer Support)