Managing Inventory in vTrakr

Managing Inventory in vTrakr


Inventory can be viewed on the inventory tab. Here you can access inventory by container, device, or tags that you define. You can also view inventory requests. When you click on a device or container, you will be taken to the corresponding detail page for that tray or device.  Let’s run through everything you can do in the Inventory Detail Screen…


Editing Device Data

  1. In the inventory detail screen you can edit a number of fields just by clicking and typing. 

  2. You can easily revise the Product, Name, Container, Lot, Expiration, Billable status, or Price. 

  3. Remember to save in the upper right hand corner before exiting. 

Device Location

  1. To update the physical location of a device or container, scroll down to the location section of the detail page. 

  2. Click on “Name” and type in the address of where the inventory is located to search Google for the location. . 

  3. Confirm the location on the map. 

  4. Then select the status of the inventory (Possession, Consigned, Loaned, Other)

  5. Remember to save in the upper right hand corner before exiting. 


Tags can be a useful way to add search terms to your devices to easily find them in the list view. Add descriptors, measurements, etc. for pieces of information that are not otherwise part of the inventory data - you’ll then be able to search by them. Think of them as search terms. 

  1. Scroll down to the “Tags” section

  2. Click on Add

  3. Type your Tag

  4. Hit “Enter” or “Return” on your keyboard to create the tag. 

  5. Click Done

  6. Remember to save in the upper right hand corner before exiting. 


Add notes about a device - like tips and tricks, selling points, or reminders for yourself.

  1. Scroll down to the Notes section at the bottom of the device detail page. 

  2. Click on the text box to start typing, and enter your note. 

  3. Click Done. 

  4. Remember to save in the upper right hand corner before exiting. 


You can now add images to your device record - to use as a sales tool, document device function, document a broken device, to add sales collateral to the device, etc.  

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the device detail screen where it says images. 

  2. Tap on “Add Image”

  3. Select whether you want to use the camera or your photo library. 

  4. Take your picture or select an image from your library. 

  5. Tap “Use Photo” or retake the picture and click “Use Photo”

  6. Your image is now added to the device detail record. 

Expiration Dates

  1. If you input an expiration date in the device detail you can see this in the list view. Colors will alert you to products that are expiring soon (ex. Red shows items expiring within 30 days). 

  2. Go to the “More” section of the navigation bar and click on “Notification Settings” 

  3. Here you can turn on Expiration Date Notifications and we’ll let you know in advance of when your inventory is going to expire. (As long as you’ve entered expiration dates in your inventory detail )


If devices need to be removed from your inventory for any reason, you may deactivate them. They will be removed them from your active inventory and moved to a deactivated pool where they can be reviewed later. 

NOTE: Inventory that has been deactivated cannot be reactivated, it will need to be added again to your account if it is deactivated by mistake. A container that has been deactivated can NEVER be reactivated - only deactivate a container if you are COMPLETELY CERTAIN. 

  1. Navigate to the inventory detail screen, and scroll all the way to the bottom. 

  2. Click “Deactivate” below the “Initiate Transfer” button. 

  3. Click Save - your devices have now been deactivated. 

Transferring Inventory*

You have the option of transferring inventory to other sales reps, providers, or other manufacturers - as long as they have a linked account. 

Note: A Device must be loose (not in a container) to be transferred, otherwise you must transfer the entire container. If a device is loose, or if you want to transfer a container, you may open the device detail screen of that item. 

  1. Scroll down towards the bottom and click “Initiate Transfer” 

  2. Select the recipient of the device(s) from your list of linked accounts. 

  3. Review the inventory overview for accuracy. 

  4. Click Save to initiate the transfer. 

  5. The transfer request must then be accepted by the other entity the device(s) are being transferred from/to, before that change is reflected in your inventory. 

*NOTE: This feature is only available for subscribed users with linked accounts. 

Adding or Removing Items from a Container

  1. To add or remove an item from a container, first navigate into the “Inventory” tab from the bottom of the screen. 

  2. Next select the device you would like to manage by clicking on it, and you will see the device detail screen. 

  3. From the device detail screen you will see the “Container” Field. 

  4. Click into the “Container” field and enter the Container Name/number, to assign it to that container. 

  5. Deleting this container name from the device detail will return the device to your loose inventory.    

  6. Click “Save” in the upper right hand corner of the screen. 

Requesting Inventory from the Manufacturer

There are two ways to request more inventory from the manufacturer using the Inventory app. 

Replenishing Used Inventory After an Event

  1. After an Event has been closed, you may scroll to the bottom of the Event detail page to the section that provides options for sharing the DUT. You’ll find a button that says “Request Replenishment. 

  2. Click this button to open a new inventory request screen that will have the used inventory from the DUT pre-populated for request. 

  3. Verify the email address stored for your manufacturer’s inventory manager, enter any relevant notes, and click “save” to send off your request. 

Requesting Individual Devices or Containers (Trays) 

  1. To request an individual device or tray scroll to the bottom of the dashboard and click on “Request Inventory”.

  2. Select the Manufacturer you are requesting inventory from. 


  1. Click on the product line you would like to request. 

  2. Then select either “Complete Set” or “Individual Devices”. 

  3. If you selected individual devices, go through the device list when prompted and select the devices you would like to request. 

  4. Once you’ve selected your device, click “Review”, you will be brought to the inventory request detail screen for review

  5. If you’d like to add additional inventory to the request click “Request Additional Inventory”, and repeat the process. Make sure to click “Review” after adding each device to save it to the request ticket. 

  6. After you’re done selecting inventory, review the details of the request. 

  7. If you’d like to copy someone on the inventory request, type their email in the “Notify Email” space. 

  8. Record any relevant notes in the text box. 

  9. Click “Submit” to Send. 

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