Surgical Case Workflow

Surgical Case Workflow

This guide is designed to demonstrate the intended workflow for performing cases and processing sales in the ConnectSx platform, involving the combined interactions between Sales Users (mobile app) and Admin Users (Web Console). It is worth noting though, that the workflow can be replicated in the Web console by Admin users if necessary - for more information on this please consult the rest of our Knowledge Base.

  1. The first step in the sales workflow is when the rep is notified that a case has been scheduled. They would go into their ConnectSx mobile app or the web console to create an event (i.e. schedule the case).


  2. Now that your case is scheduled the rep should assess their stock levels and determine what additional inventory they’ll need for the case. Then, if more inventory is required, they can create an inventory request. If the rep already has the inventory they need, this step can be bypassed.

  3. The manufacturer will then receive a notification that an inventory request has been submitted and they will click on it to review. After having reviewed the request, they will fulfill the request and generate a pending inventory transfer.


  4. The rep will receive a notification that they have a pending inventory transfer and go into the mobile app to accept the transfer, transferring the inventory into their custody.

  5. Next, the Rep is present for the case and records sales and other devices that are used in their mobile app, associating them with that case in order to generate the sales order.

  6. Once all of the devices have been marked as used, the devices recorded as sold are reviewed for accuracy by the Rep and Surgical Staff, and the event is submitted for billing. After the event is submitted for billing the Event Status is changed from Open to Pending PO.

  7. After the case is submitted for billing the Rep will then need to share the sales order with the Provider and other relevant parties.

  8. Next, the rep requests replenishment so they will be fully stocked for the next case.

  9. Then, the inventory request is fulfilled (as it was earlier in the workflow), and the replenishment is transferred to the sales rep.


  10. After the case has been closed, the Purchase Order number must be retrieved from the Facility and added to the case record in ConnectSx. After this step the Event Status will be updated from Pending PO to Pending Payment.

  11. Once the case is completed the invoice will become available to be sent by the manufacturer.


  12. And, once the manufacturer has received payment they can mark the case as “PAID”.


Now that you’ve completed reviewing the Surgical Case Workflow you are free to continue through the suggested training, search the Knowledge Base, or explore more advanced functionality.


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