How to manage Facility contracts and pricing in ConnectSx

How to manage Facility contracts and pricing in ConnectSx

New Feature! You can now see the last time Facility Contract Pricing was updated in the side rail in the Facility Detail page. If pricing was added prior to this feature being released on 3/18/24, the timestamp will appear next time it is updated.

There are a couple ways you can manage customer (Facility) contracts in ConnectSx:

Track Facility Contracts and Expirations

Load Facility Contract Pricing

Add or Modify a Contract Price for a specific Catalog #

How to review your facility contract pricing

How to Know when an Item does not have a Facility Contract Price

You can also now manage pricing as global, reusable price lists which can be assigned to multiple facilities making them easier to manage and keep up to date.

Track Facility Contracts:

We’ve created a new field for you to track when your facility contracts are complete and a field to track when they expire. If checked to “Yes” it designates the given Facility as available for inventory to be sold. If the toggle is not set to “yes”, there will be an “incomplete contract” status bubble for that Facility, until the contract has been completed.

Steps to check the Facility Contract Complete

  1. Navigate to the Facilities page

  2. Click on the desired Facility

  3. Scroll down to the Billing Information section

  4. Enter the Contract Renewal date

  5. Click the Toggle next to “Facility Contract Complete”.

  6. You’ll notice a status review icon on the billing information section to “Review Contract” as the contract approaches its renewal date (Within 30 Days of Expiring and After).

Load Facility Contract Pricing

You can see the last time Facility Contract Pricing was updated in the side rail in the Facility Detail page. If pricing was added prior to this feature being released on 3/18/24, the timestamp will appear next time it is updated.

  1. Click on the Facility you’d like to load pricing for. 

  2. You can see which facilities have prices loaded by looking at the flag on that facility. This is an easy way to tell which Facilities still need to have contract pricing loaded.

  3. Click on the button that says “Upload Pricing Sheet for this Facility”.

3. Similar to when you import inventory, you’ll need to select a .csv file from your computer. 


4. To prepare your pricing import sheet you’ll need to create a spreadsheet with two columns. The left Column is the Item Number and the right column is the customer Price for that item. (See below)

5. Next, select the relevant Manufacturer from the drop down list. 

6. Select your column headings from the drop down menus to match your Catalog Numbers and Prices with the appropriate fields. 

7. Check your data that appears in the screen below for accuracy. 

8. Click “Save”, and your customer pricing will be stored. 

9. To make periodic updates to individual items in a Facility’s pricing, you may click “View/Edit Pricing for this Facility” on the Facility listing page of the Directory.


10. Then select the appropriate manufacturer from the drop down list. 

11. You may then select the catalog number for the drop down or choose to view all product pricing. 

12. Hover your mouse over the item you’d like to edit and click on the “Edit” button to make your changes. 

13. Click “Save”, and you’re all set!

Add or Modify a Contract Price for a specific Catalog #

  1. Navigate to the Facility you need to modify pricing for.

  2. If you are adding a new price click “Add New”


  3. Enter the Catalog Number and the Price, then click Save.

  4. If you’d like to modify a price, Select the Manufacturer and Catalog Number you’d like to modify.

  5. Click on the pencil icon (by hovering over the price field), Change the price, and click Save.

How to review your Facility Contract Pricing

  1. Navigate to the directory

  2. Locate the appropriate facility

  3. Click on the “Pricing” button in the upper right corner

  4. Select the manufacturer you’d like to view facility pricing for

  5. Click “View/Edit All”

  6. You will see all of the catalog numbers and prices entered for that Facility

7. You may then hover over each line to display the icons allowing you to Edit or Delete a row.

8. If you would like, you can also export a .CSV of the facility contract pricing to review. You may then edit this .CSV and re-upload if you are making a large number of changes.

How to Know when an Item does not have a Facility Contract Price

When an item does not have a facility contract price and is added to an Event, the item will display a warning icon. Hovering over the warning icon will display a message that the item does not have a facility contract price, indicating to you that these items need special attention.

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