Understanding Event Statuses
When you create an event the workflow moves the Event through multiple statuses before it is finished. Below we describe what each of these means:
OPEN: After an Event is scheduled it is given an OPEN status. The status remains open until the case is Closed and becomes PENDING PO. While the Event is OPEN you may:
Modify certain Event details, such as Name, Facility, Procedure, Physician, Manufacturers, Date, Time, Anonymous Patient ID, Product Lines, and Associated containers
Add the Event to your Calendar
Add Images and PDFs to the Event
Add Notes to the Event
Mark Used Inventory
Review Used Inventory
Cancel the Event
Submit the Event for Billing (Which will ultimately CLOSE the Event)
PENDING PO: An Event is given a PENDING PO status after it has been submitted for billing. After the Event is submitted for Billing you may:
Download the Sales Order
Email the Sales Order
Request Replenishment
Add the PO Number (Which will change the status to COMPLETE)
Reopen the Event (Which will return it to an OPEN Status)
Add PDFs
PENDING PAYMENT: An Event is given a PENDING PAYMENT status after it has had a PO Number entered. After the Event becomes PENDING PAYMENT you may:
Download the Sales Order
Email the Sales Order
Request Replenishment
Download the Invoice (as PDF or CSV)
Email the Invoice
Mark the Event “Invoice Paid”
Mark the Event “Commission Paid”
Mark the Event as PAID (which changes the event status to PAID and automatically checks the Invoice Paid and Commission Paid boxes)
Add PDFs
Leave a comment
Reopen the Event (Which will return it to an OPEN status)
PAID: The PAID status is applied when the user clicks the “Mark as PAID” button. This will also check the boxes for “Invoice Paid” and “Commission Paid”. This is the final status for an Event. The event may still be reopened, but must be Closed, Completed, and Paid again to return it to the current status.