the Knowledge Xfer, Issue 68: Manufactured Date



Hey Brendan ,

Welcome back to the Knowledge Xfer! Last week we showcased a recent feature that allows you to add more detail to your procedures using 'procedure modifiers.' You can think of procedure modifiers as similar to Tags, letting you augment your procedure and add more context. If you missed it, check it out here!

This week we'd like highlight an improvement to our FIFO and LIFO auto-refill functionality available in the Bill of Materials section: the Manufactured Date.


Manufactured (or Acquisition) date is the newest field on the Inventory Detail screen, and it allows you to define when inventory was actually created or acquired in the physical world.

Why is this important?
The manufacture date delivers more robust and accurate management of your inventory when using the FIFO/LIFO auto-refill feature rather than calculating based on when the inventory was created in ConnectSx.
The key to talking full advantage? You need to enter this data for your existing inventory and for all new inventory in order to maximize the capability!

We encourage you to consider how your organization can begin implementing manufactured date so you can take advantage of this great new feature. To read more, check this out.

All the best,
Brendan Sweeney

Customer Success

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