the Knowledge Xfer, Issue 47: Stocking Orders



Hey Brendan,

Welcome back to the Knowledge Xfer! Last week we showed you how to track if you've sent a sales order or invoice from your account and when it was sent. If you missed that, you can read more here.

This week we're going to focus on a special event type that we created based on feedback directly from our users - Stocking Orders.

Stocking orders allow you to sell inventory to a facility up front, for later use. The inventory then sits on the shelf until it needs to be used. This functionality then allows you to go in, create a case, and use that Facility Stock in the case without double-billing for the inventory. Pretty cool, huh!

To check out more about how to process stocking orders, check out our article on the subject.


All the best,
Brendan Sweeney

Customer Success

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