Quoting a case in ConnectSx

In ConnectSx you can now create a quote for your event, so you can share the items and prices with the facility prior to the case, for what is expected to be used in that case. Then you can utilize that quote to easily filter for the items that were on it when you're selecting the devices that inevitably get used.

This feature allows you to submit a quote to the provider for approval prior to the case, if necessary.

Create the event

  1. First, create the event to learn more about this click here.

Next, create your Quote

  1. Navigate to the detail screen of the case that you want to create a quote for. Any user can create a quote for a case.

  2. Using the “More” menu, select “Quote event”


  3. Then, search for and select the items you would like to quote on this event, then click Next.

  4. Then review your items and add a note to the quote, then click “Create”


  5. The Quote will pull the Facility Contract Price for each item and will display a warning icon if there is no facility price. For more info updating facility prices check out this article.


  6. Next, an admin or operations user, should review and approve the quote so I can be sent off. Anything needs to be changed they can edit it.

  7. Now, you have a few options at the bottom to take advantage of:

    1. You can download a PDF of the quote

    2. Send it as an email attachment

    3. Edit the quote

    4. Delete the quote

Lastly, use your quote to mark devices as used

  1. The case click “Mark devices used”

  2. Use the Quoted Catalog #s filter to easily select the catalog numbers from the quote