The Knowledge Xfer, Issue 1: Custom Locations


Hey there,

Welcome to the first issue of The Knowledge Xfer! This is your weekly helper email that will highlight a feature or function of the system that you may not have heard about, that is super important, or that we think you could be getting value from!

So, today we wanted to take the opportunity to dive deeper with you on one of our newest and coolest features - Custom Locations.

As a ConnectSx user you’ll remember that inventory must be held by a custodian (user) at all times - but what about if inventory gets left somewhere like a hospital or a warehouse? How are we to keep track of that? It doesn’t make sense to leave it up to memory…

Well, we agree, which is why we created the ability to create Custom Locations in the new Templates section of your account. A Custom Location, once created, can be applied to a piece of inventory or a container and can be used to search for that inventory on a geographic basis.

Want to learn more?

All the best,
Brendan Sweeney
Customer Success

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