We’ve created a few features outside of sales reporting to help you review your inventory data. Before we dive in though there is a distinction to make:
Export your Inventory - Exporting your inventory will dump out your inventory data as you see it in the Inventory page of the Console. That means each device will be represented on its own line in Excel as a quantity of 1, with all of its associated data.
Stock Report - You also have the option of exporting a stock report which, instead, will dump out your inventory but it will sum up the inventory that has like characteristics. For instance, 15 pieces of loose inventory that have the same catalog number, lot number, and custodian will show as a quantity of 15 on one line in Excel. This can be a more helpful way of looking at your stock levels throughout your value chain.
To export your inventory navigate to your Inventory screen in the console.
If you’d like to find any specific inventory then please enter search terms and filters and locate the data you’d like to export.
Click on the “export inventory’ button
You’ll then be presented with a set of options for the data you are exporting:
Unused inventory Only: This will export your current stock, or in other words all “active” inventory. No deactivated devices or single use inventory that has been used will be included in the export.
All Inventory: This option will export all inventory including current active stock as well as all deactivated inventory. This will include inventory that has been manually deactivated and all single-use inventory that was removed from your stock as a result of an event.
Inventory in the current search query only: This option will export the data that has currently been returned to the screen as a result of your search/filter selections.
Stock export of inventory in the current search query only
When the report has generated you will receive a notification bearing a link to download your file.
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Viewing the Transfer and Inventory Request History in vTrakr (ConnectSx Customer Support)
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Requesting Replenishment (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Receiving a Transfer (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Add Inventory Manually in the Console (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Add/Remove Items from a Container in the Console (ConnectSx Customer Support)
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How to Export Your Inventory (ConnectSx Customer Support)