If importing inventory via the spreadsheet upload process doesn’t suit your needs you may enter inventory manually. Navigate to the Inventory screen and click the “Add Inventory” button.
You’ll see options to enter all of the inventory data manually (see previous descriptions of the fields earlier in this section), just make sure to check your work to maintain data continuity and accuracy.
First, you’ll enter the inventory type, custody, manufacturer, product line, catalog number, name quantity, and container. Click “Next” to proceed to the next step.
Note: if this item is from a new manufacturer, product line, or is a new catalog record, you’ll need to click the plus button to the right of those fields and create the new record before proceeding. This will add that manufacturer, product, or catalog record to your directory for future reference.
If you have a Unique Device Identifier for this item or production level information, such as lot number, you may enter that info here. Click “Next” to proceed to the final step.
Note the entire quantity being added by this action will be assigned this production level information (lot, expiration, UDI, etc). If you have different lot numbers or other production information, those items will need to be added separately.
Set a due back date if, for example, the item is a loaner tray that must be returned to the manufacturer. You may also add tags, price, billable status, barcode data, and reusable status. Click “Create” when you are finished to add these items to your body of inventory.
Related articles
Reviewing Inventory Levels in the Console (ConnectSx Customer Support)
What are Tags and how do you leverage their power? (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Transfer Inventory Directly into a Container (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Viewing the Transfer and Inventory Request History in vTrakr (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Mark Inventory Use from Detail Page (ConnectSx Customer Support)
Receiving a Transfer (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Add Inventory Manually in the Console (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to keep track of how much is in your inventory (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to Export Your Inventory (ConnectSx Customer Support)
How to fix inventory inaccuracies (ConnectSx Customer Support)