This page contains release notes for ConnectSx applications, including Console, vTrakr, and UDIdentify, beginning with the current releases as of May 18, 2022. For additional information or questions about items contained in releases found here, please submit a ticket here.
Upcoming Release: 4.1.0
What’s New:
Added the ability to assign loose inventory to a container from the Inventory Request Fulfillment workflow
Added several flags to device detail pages, including:
Low Stock: when product level hits 20% of set Par for that item (visible to Admins only)
Back Order: When Items have a product level of “0” (visible to Admins only)
Lot Edited: when an admin user edits the lot number of a given device (NOTE: devices with UDIs cannot be changed unless the UDI is also changed to match the new lot number)
Added new flags to event detail pages, including:
Price Edited by User: when a non-admin changes the price of an item in an event
Facility Stock Used: when a user selected from inventory marked as Facility Stock in an event
Added Min an Max quantity fields to the BOM detail
Added the ability to associate an event of ANY status with a transfer, directly form the transfer workflow
Added auto-association to events, assigning a container to an event automatically as soon as a device form that container is marked in the event
Added Auto update to Event status, changing an event to PAID if both the Invoice paid and commission paid checkboxes are checked
UI/UX updates to Inventory Detail pages, including:
Moved Notes, BOM, and Comments fields to the Information section
Added support for new special characters to the Item detail
Added Requested by and Manufacturer filters to Inventory Request search
Added field for “Requested by” date in the inventory request form
Added the ability to specify a Ship-to address in inventory request
UI/UX improvements for Container detail pages, including:
The ability to release items from a container from within the device list table
The ability to auto-refill the entire container using the BOM and LIFO/FIFO selection
The ability to download a Sales Order PDF without prices
Made the Notes field optional
Added an alert to inform the user if devices with mismatched locations are being added to a container
Added an expiration column to the device list PDF export from the container detail
Added cascading updates, changing the location of all items in a container when the container location is changed
Added the ability to change the selected container assignment in an open inventory transfer
Added the ability to
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug that prevented users from transferring items if a “\” was present in the lot or serial number field
Fixed an issue preventing a user from sending a sales order PDF in a “Return” event
fixed an issue that prevented some users from being sent the PO Reminder emails
Fixed an issue that prevented all assigned sales users from being included in the PO reminder emails to a Distributer User
Fixed incorrect display of commission numbers on the User Detail screen
Fixed pagination numbering issue
Fixed an issue that caused the search field focus to be removed in the mark used inventory screen, requiring a user to have to click back into that field after each search execution
Fixed a bug that was adding an extra character in from of the currency symbol for account using “pounds”
Fixed a bug that included inactive containers in the Assigned Containers list on the BOM detail page
fixed a bug that prevented search filters from being cleared on the Events page
Current Version: 4.0.1
released 5/18/2022
Release Notes
Fixed an issue that allowed users to select today’s date when running sales reports, even though data was not yet available for the current day
Fixed an issue that prevented Sales Order emails from being sent in a “Return” event
Fixed an issue that prevented sales users from seeing distributor containers when marking inventory in an event, even though distributor inventory is shared with those users
Fixed an issue that prevented Admin users from sending PO reminders to Users who have not previously logged into the system
Previous Versions
Current Version: 4.6.1
released 1/26/2022
Release Notes
Minor bug fixes and improvements
Previous Versions
Current Version: 3.1.3
Release Notes
Minor bug fixes and improvements