Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Download the Sales Order as a PDF

    1. Downloading the sales order as a PDF allows you to save an external record of the document or share it with your personal work email to the proper stakeholders. Users have the option to:

      1. Download PDF

      2. Download PDF (no prices)

      3. Download PDF (no replenishment address)

  2. Send as Email Attachment

    1. The Send as Email Attachment option allows you to send an email from inside the ConnectSx Platform

    2. You have the option to modify:

      1. Email Subject Line

      2. The Recipient (To:)

      3. CC Recipient

      4. The Reply-To: Address

      5. The Body of the email


You can now add a CC email to sales orders shared as email attachments from within ConnectSx!



The Recipient email will auto-populate to the First Billing Contact Email listed for that Facility in the Directory. If this is not who should be receiving the email, select the correct contact using the “All Emails” drop down menu or type in the desired recipient’s email address.
