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Authorize a User has completed training to unlock their account
When you’re adding new users it’s critical that you know they are competent using ConnectSx with your products before you let them loose on your systemscheduling cases. We built a control which keeps a new user account “Locked” until you check off that they are trained.
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Note: All new user accounts (other than Admin) are automatically locked until this is checked off. This can only be checked off once and then the user will be set to Active in perpetuity. To restrict a user after this point you must deactivate the user (you may reactivate them at any time). Another way to restrict a user is to revoke their directory access assignments to prevent a user from doing business in the system with a certain Facility, Product, or Physician. |
Navigate to the Users Screen in the Console as an Admin
Select the User
Click the toggle that says “Training Complete”
Hit Save.
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To set this up for a user:
Navigate to the User’s detail screen
Click the “Custodian Only” switch
Click Save
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Make it easier when users are selecting from the Directory in an Event.
Allow you to control which users have access to certain Products, Facilities, Physicians, and Manufacturers. This of this as “authorizing” a user to do business with those entities.
Navigate to the Users tab.
Select your Sales or Distributor user.
Scroll down the page until you see the “Assign…” fields.
Here you’ll see all of the Manufacturers, Facilities, Physicians, and Product Lines that are already associated with the user. If you’d like to revoke any existing access, click the Trash symbol next to that entry. Then click save.
Note: When inventory is transferred to a user that manufacturer is automatically assigned to their Account. This Manufacturer cannot be removed from the account unless all active inventory is transferred out of the user’s custody.
To assign a new authorization, search for the record in the relevant search bar.
Click on the record so it appears in the list. Then click “Save” at the top of the window.
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Admin users may set Sales Targets by quarter for Sales and Distributor Users in the User detail screens. The user’s sales will track against these targets in the User detail screen and also roll up cumulatively with other users' sales targets in the Dashboard Widget.
In the User screen scroll down to the Sales Targets and Performance section.
Click “Edit”
Enter the targets for this sales user (in Sales $) per quarter. Then click “Save”
You may now return to this screen to see how this Sales User is doing vs. their quarterly sales goals.
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