Let’s Get You Started!
So... you don’t have time to go through this whole training guide - I get it - and that’s ok! You’ll likely be interacting with our onboarding team and/or guided resources, but to give you an idea of what you need to do to get started with ConnectSx, Here are the basics you’ll need to take care of before you can dive in and start exploring. You can probably figure out a lot on your own, but if you find you have questions you can always let us know!
Login to the Console at www.console.connectsx.com using the credentials you created when accepting your original invitation.
Invite your Users
The first thing you should do after getting logged in is to send out invitations to your Sales, Distributor, and Manufacturer users. This will invite them via email to create an account.
Add Your Inventory by navigating the Inventory screen, then clicking Import in the top navigation. On this screen you will be able to upload a spreadsheet (csv format) of all of your inventory, device data, and custody information. For more information check out this article.
Add Directory Data like physicians and facilities. Click the Directory link in the main navigation and then use the top navigation on that page to add the appropriate information. Once you’ve added Physicians and Facilities you will be able to create events and assign them to those specific entities.
Assign Directory Records to Relevant Users by navigating to the users screen and clicking on a distributor or sales user who has accepted their invitation. For more information see this article.
User Training is key to successfully implementing ConnectSx for your business. We have an arsenal of resources (including online tutorials, training guides, and our knowledge base) to help you teach your users how to get value out of the system. If you would like our assistance in further training, reach out to us.
Now you’re all set! You can get started using the Console to manage your inventory, sales reps, and cases.